Monday, 4 November 2019

About my holiday

In the holidays I went with my whole family
and went to Rotorua and it was fun and all the
children played race and rugby and tag and it
was fun and this was awi first time there.
After we ate some food and when it got
night everyone sleep we had to bart and
when it got morning everyone had to come
to the hall to ate breakfast and I ate chocolate
and pie and when we finish Eating and this was a
family Reunion and we had to play touch and I
was in my Uncle team and I had a run and I step
but I folid over and I puse to my cousin and she
scowled the try.Next the Other team came it was
my cousin and I  coached them but it had to finish
because we had to ate dinner and we ate samewig
and it was hummy and pizza and water and when we
finish Eating we played some music and it was
mate ma'a tonga song and then we change the
song to owoh my baby and everyone was dancing
and we had fun with everyone. toWillow Treewe
went to the sky line and it was scary and when we
got there we went on this car drive and I came
first and I was happy and next we went there
are again and I went on the advaness and when
you go down it thinks like you are going to fail
down and when you turn around you have to hold
on Tight because you are going to fail and we had
ice cream and my Favourite ice cream is chocolate
chip and magow and it was hum as it was pekinow
and I  was hungry and when we came back to home
we played outside with the baby and we had fun with them.

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